Internet Browser for QUEST3+ System


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Last update: 1st June 2021


As Browser versions are continuously updated, QUEST3+ System is only compatible with Browsers and Versions as mentioned below. In case you are unable to access QUEST, please firstly reinstall your token (Click HERE for manual for token installation) and access with browser of following version :


No. Document Name


(This information will be updated from time to time)

Website for Download

User Manual

(last update)

1  Mozilla Firefox 45 and above Click Here

( 1 Aug 2017)

2  Google Chrome   40 - 89 Click Here

(9 Jan 2019)

3  Microsoft Edge 45 - 90 Click Here  Not available


How To Disable Auto-Update

Firefox occasionally checks to see if any updates are available for itself and for your search engines. To disable these checks:

  1. Click the menu button and choose Options.
  2. Select the Advanced panel.
  3. Select the Update tab.
  4. Check Never check for updates (not recommended: security risk) and uncheck Search Engines.
  5. Close the about:preferences page. Any changes you've made will automatically be saved.





Data Input and Capture

To avoid missing data or incorrect data tagging, avoid using multiple tabs or window browser when involving data entry.
Opening more than 1 window / tab may result in expired session without the data being saved and/or saved with information that has not been updated.