Guidelines for Health Supplements Cetak Kadar pengguna: 3 / 5 Sila beri kadar Undi 1 Undi 2 Undi 3 Undi 4 Undi 5 Pengemaskinian Garis Panduan Pelaksanaan Risalah Maklumat Ubat Untuk Pengguna (RiMUP) published on 2025-03-07 Direktif Berkenaan Pelaksanaan Garis Panduan Guidance on the Acceptance Criteria for Quantification by Input (QBI) of Active Ingredients Claimed on Label of Traditional Medicine and Health Supplement (TMHS) Products published on 2022-11-09 Malaysian Guidelines on Good Pharmacovigilance Pratices (GVP) for Product Registration Holders (1st Edition, August 2021) published on 2021-09-29 4.4 : Post-Marketing Activities published on 2019-03-13 Appendix 6: Guideline On Registration Of Health Supplements published on 2018-07-02 Malaysian Variation Guideline for Natural ( Traditional Medicine & Homeopathy ) and Health Supplement Product 2016 published on 2016-07-19 Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practice for Traditional Medicines and Health Supplements published on 2008-01-01