The seminar is intended to promote regulatory compliance excellence within the cosmetic industry.
Participants will be exposed to experts’ updates on cosmetics regulations, safety, quality and compliance.
- Cosmetic industry players, product owners, notification holders, retailers, freelancers, etc.
- Member : RM800 per person
- Non-Member : RM900 per person
- Payment can be made via:-
- Cheque or Bank Draft payable to “The Cosmetic, Toiletry And Fragrance Association of Malaysia”.
- Bank transfer details:-
- Hong Leong Bank account Acc no. : 29100009081 Swift Code: HLBBMYKL Branch Code:291
- Registration form should be completed and returned to the CTFA Secretariat before 10th March 2017, attached with payment slip.
- Seats will be confirmed upon full payment receipt. No refund upon cancellation.
- The Secretariat reserves the right to make amendments to the program without prior notification.
- For further assistance, please contact:
1. Ms. Janice Cheong 603-79552163/0192641922 Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.
2. Ms. Ch’ng Soo Imm 603-79409668 ext 675 Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.
3. Puan Intan Shuhada Yunus 603-22462661 Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.
4. Ms. Jasmine Lee 603-76618337 Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.
DAY 1 |
Time |
Topic/Details |
8.00am – 8.45am |
Registration |
8.45am – 8.55am |
Opening Remarks by President of CTFA |
9.00am – 10.00am |
Overview on Update of Control of Cosmetic Products in Malaysia Speaker: NPRA, MOH |
10.00am – 10.15am |
Networking reception |
10.15am– 11.15am |
GMP Cosmetic in Malaysia: The Past & Present Speaker: NPRA, MOH |
11.15am – 12.30pm |
Regulatory Quality Control Testing on Cosmetic Products Speaker: NPRA, MOH |
12.30pm – 2.00pm |
Networking Lunch |
2.00pm – 3.00pm |
General Safety Assessment of Cosmetics Speaker:Dr. Ravishankar Nagarajan |
3.00pm – 4.00pm |
Role of MPOB in Promoting Wellness of the Malaysian Cosmetic Industry Speaker: MPOB (Malaysian Palm Oil Board) |
4:00pm -5.00pm |
Latest Update On Halal Cosmetic in Malaysia Speaker: JAKIM |
5.00pm – 5.30pm |
Networking reception |
DAY 2 |
Time |
Topic/Details |
09.00am – 10.00am |
Post-Market Surveillance (PMS): Findings & Expectation Speaker: NPRA, MOH |
10.00am – 10.15am |
Networking reception |
10.15am – 11.15am |
Claimed Benefit Evaluation Speaker: NPRA, MOH |
11.15am – 12.00pm |
Beware of Killer Cosmetic: Overview by Pharmacy Enforcement Division Speaker: Pharmacy Enforcement Division, MOH |
12.00pm – 12.45pm |
MDTCC: The Enforcement of Counterfeit Goods in Malaysia Speaker: KPDNKK |
12.45pm – 2.00pm |
Networking Lunch |
2.00pm – 3.00pm |
Nano Cosmetics Speaker: En Mohd Helme Bin Mohd Helan, MOSTI |
3.00pm – 4.00pm |
Fragrance safety/IFRA Speaker: ACA |
4.00pm – 5.00pm |
MATRADE's Roles in Supporting Local Cosmetics Companies to Go Global Speaker : En Abu Bakar Yusof, Lifestyle Division, MATRADE |
5.00pm – 5.30pm |
Networking reception |