Dear Sir / Madam,
Bahagian Regulatori Farmasi Negara (NPRA) is conducting a survey to assess the level of customer satisfaction on the services provided by NPRA. Through the feedback received, NPRA will be able to identify areas that need improvement as well as existing practices that are considered satisfactory but may be further improved. Further information regarding the survey are as below:
Title: NPRA Customer Satisfaction Survey
Period: 1 February 2022 - 30 April 2022
Scope: NPRA services
Objective: This questionnaire seeks to obtain feedback on the services provided by NPRA.
Kindly click the link above to answer this survey.
Thank you in advance for your attention and participation.
NPRA Customer Satisfaction Survey 2022
- Posted By Jauze
- Jumlah paparan: 22886