a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z #

Items starting with H Files

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection M73821V

  • Date of Issuance: 27-Sep-16

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection N3F581V

  • Date of Issuance: 23-May-18

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection P3J075V

  • Date of Issuance: 30-Jun-20

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection P3J081V

  • Date of Issuance: 4-Feb-19

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection P3K282V

  • Date of Issuance: 21-Jun-19

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection P3L744V

  • Date of Issuance: 11-Sep-19

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection R3E571V

  • Date of Issuance: 7-Aug-20

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection R3E883V

  • Date of Issuance: 30-Jul-20

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection R3E891V

  • Date of Issuance: 10-Aug-20

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection R3F211V

  • Date of Issuance: 30-Jul-20

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection R3F212V

  • Date of Issuance: 30-Jul-20

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection R3F951V

  • Date of Issuance: 27-Aug-20

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection R3G271V

  • Date of Issuance: 27-Aug-20

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection R3J861V

  • Date of Issuance: 27-Aug-20

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection R3K531V

  • Date of Issuance: 27-Aug-20

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection R3L3410V

  • Date of Issuance: 27-Nov-19

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection R3L981V

  • Date of Issuance: 18-May-20

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection R3M013V

  • Date of Issuance: 14-Sep-20

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection T3C691V

  • Date of Issuance: 10-Dec-2021

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection T3F994V

  • Date of Issuance: 02-Dec-2021

Hexaxim Suspension for Injection T3K881V

  • Date of Issuance: 10-Mar-22
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National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA)

Lot 36, Jalan Universiti (Jalan Prof Diraja Ungku Aziz), 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

  • Phone: +603-7883 5400




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  • Last Modified: Selasa 16 Julai 2024, 09:30:33.
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