QUEST3+ System Security Upgrade

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Dear QUEST3+ Users,

We have upgraded our security facilities to protect QUEST3+ system against zero-day exploits, impersonation and known vulnerabilities and attackers. Some features might not working properly as there is 'false positive' that need to be checked. If you have encountered these issues, please contact HELPDESK and screenshot full screen (with URL) for our team to investigate :

Common security issues :

1. Request Blocked

2. Certain button not functioning

3. Unable to insert data into text box

Please be reminded that for uploading attachment, only 3 file types are allowed to be uploaded into QUEST3+ system which is : .jpg, .jpeg & .pdf


National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA)

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  • Last Modified: Friday 26 July 2024, 10:18:34.
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