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Please visit the survey link and share your thoughts.
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Health Professionals
The information in this section is for health providers, such as doctors, pharmacists, nurses, medical assistants, etc. and not present as medical advice to health professionals.
Safety Alerts & NPRA Recent Updates
Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) Receptor Agonists (Dulaglutide, Liraglutide, Lixisenatide, Semaglutide, and Tirzepatide): Aspiration and Pneumonia Aspiration during General Anaesthesia or Deep Sedation |
Ethambutol: Risk of Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) |
🙏Thanks for Joining #MedSafetyWeek! 💊🌍 |
💊 Medicines Are Continually Monitored to Ensure Their Safety 🔍 |
❓ 5️⃣Questions to Ask Your Patients to Help Prevent Side Effects 💊 |
Reporting ADR/AEFI by Healthcare Professionals
Please report ALL suspected Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) (including those for traditional products) and Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFIs) to the National Centre for Adverse Drug Reactions Monitoring.
Do not hesitate to report if some details are not known.The identities of Reporter, Patient and Institution will remain confidential.
Quality Reporting
Please use this form to report for quality reporting of registered product (e.g. quality, efficacy, labelling, packaging) NOT related to ADRs.
Products Search
Search Pharmaceutical, Complimentary & Alternative Products that registered with National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency, NPRA. You may also search cosmetic products notified with NPRA
Summary Report on Adverse Events Following Immunisation of COVID-19 Vaccines in Malaysia
This report provides summarised updates on adverse events following immunisatAion (AEFIs) of COVID-19 Vaccines in Malaysia.
To receive the latest safety issues including COVID-19 Vaccines AEFI Summary Report, you may join the NPRA Safety Information Mailing List by submitting details of your name, profession and workplace through email to fv@npra.gov.my (please put in NPRA Safety Mailing List as the subject of your email).
The summary report is only available in English.
Newsletter : MADRAC Bulletin
REAKSI Drug Safety News
awareness of adverse drug reactions reported, and stimulate additional adverse drug reaction reporting.
Consumer Information

Online Public Engagement